When Michael O’Dea, Perpetuals Head of Multi-Asset, joined us for our webinar in June 2020 he spoke about what he believes will be the defining themes for investors over the next ten years.
This is what he had to say:
“The next ten years will likely be defined by the ongoing tech revolution, as the pandemic is likely to accelerate automation as companies reduce their reliance on humans and improve profit margins. The Brookings Institute has already stated that up until last year 25% of jobs were experiencing high levels of disruption due to automation. This trend is likely to continue.
Secondly, how policy makers respond to this ongoing crisis is incredibly important. One way might be for central banks to directly finance government infrastructure and welfare programs. They are doing this indirectly now through quantitative easing or buying the bonds that are issued by the government.
The third point is that the China and US relationship was already in a fragile state last year with the trade war, but it has now reached a new level of hostility. It is likely to remain elevated until after US election, with the US voter base either blaming Donald Trump for the pandemic or China.”
Then there is the consideration of the Perpetual Diversified Real Return Fund, which Michael manages, as they “have been well positioned to protect capital to and aim to continue to do so while looking for opportunities to generate the returns clients need to fund the lifestyles in retirement.”
If you’d like to hear the full conversation that Jeff Thurecht had with Michael click here